Recent still lifes at Waterhouse and Dodd, London

Waterhouse and Dodd

Waterhouse and Dodd will be presenting five new works at the gallery in February 2015. Their second gallery will feature a selection of work curated by Michael from gallery stock, including further oil paintings and works on paper by the artist.

The exhibition at Waterhouse and Dodd, 47 Albemarle Street , London, opens on 4th Februrary 2015 and will run until 25th Februrary 2015.

Having painted at least two or three figure paintings a year for the last 35, I recently decided to concentrate on a series of small, intensively worked still lifes. Denied the emotional charge and inevitable narrative element that is generated whilst working with a sitter, I have found myself transposing these qualities onto the inanimate objects I was working with, investing them with a particular psychological and poetic intensity which might otherwise have been reserved for the figure work.

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