House of Lords portrait of Lord Falconer

Unveiling at HPLord FalconerIn 2006, Michael was commissioned by the UK Houses of Parliament to paint the then Lord Chancellor, Lord Falconer, for the House of Lords collection. The reform of the role in 2006 has meant that in effect the painting marks the last in a line of such portraits stretching back to the Norman Conquest. The portrait was unveiled at the house of Lords on July 9th 2007.

In their youth, Charles Falconer became a friend of Tony Blair, former UK Prime Minister. Under Blair's patronage, Falconer was made a life peer and subsequently promoted to various high offices of state, including taking ministerial responsibility for the Millennium Dome. After Blair's departure as PM (and shortly after the portrait), he was promptly replaced in all his ministerial posts. In May 2015, he was appointed as Shadow Lord Chancellor and Shadow Secretary of State for Justice. There is a page about Charles Falconer on Wikipedia.

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