London exhibition of recent paintings at Waterhouse & Dodd

Waterhouse and Dodd

This one-man show runs from 24 November until 17 December 2010 at Waterhouse & Dodd, 26 Cork Street, London W1S 3ND. A catalogue is available from the gallery on request. For further information call Jamie Anderson at the gallery on +44 20 7734 7800. Also, a downloadable .pdf version of the catalogue is available via the gallery website.

in the intoduction to the catalogue, Huon Mallalieu writes:

......the reality is sometimes only apparent. The old studio, itself a strong character in the work, distorts to suit a subject. Regular props, as the modern two- or three-tiered glass table, suddenly swoop and twist like one of Claude Flight's London Underground trains. In Piano Pieces the instrument's hammers are heaped on a card table like the offal of an autopsy with the Marigold glove flung aside by a pathologist, while an upturned castor appears to have made a failed bid for the door.........all sorts of art historical resonances are there to be enjoyed as well as the stories, symbols and sheer technical mastery.

The exhibition is showing five new figure paintings and four still lifes created over the last three years. Images of these paintings can be seen on this site by way of the thumbnails below:

Site design by Philip Rees.