Still life show at Waterhouse and Dodd

A new still life, Broken Camera with Red Curtain, will join two other recent works at the forthcoming mixed exhibition of contemporary still life painting at Waterhouse and Dodd in Cork Street, London. The show will be the last at their Cork Street premises before the gallery moves to a new space in Albermarle Street (due to the controversial Cork Street redevelopment).

The exhibition opens on 15th May 2013, and runs until 7th June. A PDF of the catalogue (6.2 MB: requires Adobe Reader) is available. Other artists featured in the exhibition include, Edmund Chamberlain, Karen Gunderson, Claire Jarvis,Stephen McKenna, Jemimah Patterson, Brian Sayers, and Jennifer Trouton.

The main camera which features in the new painting is my old, and now defunct, stereoscopic (3D) 35mm Edixa. So, for those who may be interested, a stereo image of the work in progress can be viewed below. This photo was taken with my Fuji W3 stereo digital camera.

Still life oil painting including a defunct stereoscopic Edixa camera
Wide-eyed stereo pair photographs of the artist painting a defunct 3D camera

Wow – that;s an amazing picture of a picture of a stereo event ! Love it…..

Brian May. Stereographer extraordinaire, astronomer and guitarist
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